Industrial, Manufacturing & Operational Systems
pdf | | 2013-08-30 | Author:Ping Xie

( Category: Machinery January 28,2023 )
epub |eng | | Author:R. Dutt

This sounds remarkably aligned with the RPT approach of defining a clear vision and strategy and translating it into priorities and execution. Ironically, setting performance goals and OKRs can drive ...
( Category: Products January 8,2023 )
epub |eng | 2021-06-14 | Author:Adedeji B. Badiru & Gary Lamont

Goals SA is not generally thought of as a construct that exists solely for its own sake. SA is important as needed for decision-making regarding some system or task. As ...
( Category: Management January 8,2023 )
epub |eng | 2015-11-23 | Author:Jan Gillett

Implementing standardisation across multiple processes Meetings are always about increasing readiness to change The implementation team must contain the line managers and supervisors of the area affected by the changes. ...
( Category: Quality Control January 7,2023 )